Thursday, February 4, 2010

Random act of puffy sleeve

So, this morning on the subway, I was peacefully reading Cindy Adams' column in the NY Post when a disturbed man whacked me in the head with his puffy jacket sleeve and cursed at me.

I thank my lucky stars it was a sleeve and not something worse. He must not have liked my adorable slouchy hat. Thankfully, two very nice gentleman let me sit in between them for the remainder of my ride, just in case "crazy" decided to walk by again. No more R train for this gal.

So, it was a puffy sleeve that made impact this morning and since we are transitioning into Spring, puffy jackets are on sale.

Enjoy, but please, do not smack anyone with your sleeve, it does not feel very good.

Be safe, and warm!


J. Crew, $99.99


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